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Selling Your Business  - We Have Qualified Buyers

Selling a business can be a very time-consuming process wtih lots of challenges along the way. But it doesn't have to be when your represented by Florida Business Exchange, Inc. Deciding to sell your business is the easy part. How to go about it is another problem altogether! Setting a price, advertising, negotiating with a prospective buyer, and legal and financial issues have to be addressed. . 
We  provide you with a comprehensive Marketing Plan that is designed to sell your business for top market value.


The plan includes:
  1. Competitive price and terms
  2. A business profile for buyer  presentation 
  3. Advertising tailored to specific buyer markets
  4. Qualifying all buyers before presenting the business
  5. Coordination of all activities necessary  for a successful  contract closing
We schedule all showings, conducts negotiations on behalf of the Seller, provide contract forms, coordinate professional advisors, help to satisfy contingencies and supervise in the closing.
Click on links below for additional information on selling a business;

"FAQ on Selling a Business"

Do's and Don't of Selling Your Business

 What Buyers Look For When Buying A Business



KNOWLEDGE: We can market your business without employees, customers or competitors knowing that it is for sale. This is important to the smooth continuation of the business during the selling process.

TIME: We can save you time and frustration when it comes to selling your business. We're the small business experts who can guide you through every aspect of the selling process - from arriving at a fair market price to handling financial arrangements and closing the transaction.

MARKETING: We can expose your business to prospective buyers not only in your local area, but also through our extensive website present in the internet with over 15 major websites in the United States and abroad, thus securing qualified prospects. In addition, we screen buyers to determine their financial qualifications,the prospects we bring to you are genuinely interested in your business as well as financially capable of making a purchase.

NEGOTIATIONS: We handle negotiations in a clean, patient professional manner that keeps the business issues clearly in focus, rather than clouded by emotions and/or personalities. We can do something you cannot do, we are able to pursue a buyer. If you do, they may feel you are desperate and will only low-ball you on price.

SUCCESS: We are well-trained professionals who are aware of your needs. In fact, most of us have experience as small business owners. Whether you are ready to sell your business now or are just beginning to think about it, call us for a confidential, no cost business evaluation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We can make selling your business a successful, rewarding experience from your first meeting with us to the day you turn over the keys to the new owner.

Contact us to discuss how we can be or service to you.